Monday, December 15, 2008

Dharma Talk: A Question about Surrender


Life is such a tango isn't it?! i want to surrender to it, i feel like I'm ready to let go a bit more. All i want is to be of use to the universe, and get myself out of the way so that it can sing through me!


I have been working on that surrender thing myself.

You are of most use to the Universe when you are in your Joy, meaning that you are just as Divinely of Service to the Universe whether you are teaching yoga or taking a nap. It's as much about being in flow with your unique self.

There is a bit of dichotomy in the process as well, for a truly enlightened person will be at peace wherever they are, and yet also realize that honoring themselves is part of the process. So you don't need to be any sort of martyr to provide selfless service, and yet if you find yourself in a matyr-like position, you might as well enjoy it. This is where Empowerment comes in... finding your power in the moment and making a conscious choice both in the present moment and in your intention for the next moment. For instance, if you were suddenly feeling like a matyr in taking care os someone, you might decide to continue to and chanel the infinite energy of the universe, or you might choose to ask for a replacment to take over.

And its all about whatever story you put to It. If you are practicing surrender, you need to be acutely aware of what you are surrendering to. For us intentionalists, it can be messy to bridge into the reality of surrender. For example I try to live that the universe will provide me with perfect lovers, adventures, abundance, and I have some preconceived intentions/ideas about what those are. If I remember that I am choosing the reality of the Universe just automatically providing the best for me, then I can make out alright. But if I am thinking such things as I get given crappy lovers when I travel, or perhaps feel like my mission in the moment is to paint a painting and why is a lover being thrown in my face... then I may be continually second guessing/not accepting what the universe is offering me when I surrender.

In Indian philosophy, there is bhakti and jnana. Bhakti is "thy wish"... total devotion to all, and jnana is "my wish", total intention and empowerment. Both paths are valid, it's just knowing which one you are on.

To sum up, listen to what glows, follow it in complete trust. Reaffirm your intentions/reality. Practice non-attachment, for it is a big thing to truly surrender to your highest self. Practice Unconditional Love.

And Finally, the short and sweet I've been waiting for:

Use your "vision"... that of the universe singing through you... create that into an affirmation, because the vision integrates all the little details:

The Universe sings through me as I sing and dance my highest spirit through life.
I sing, I dance, I am.
Each moment I am Present
I sing, I dance, I am
Each step I take is aligned with my Highest Spirit
I sing, I dance, I am
I honor the Universe in all that I do
I sing, I dance, I am
The Universe honors me and supports me unconditionally
I sing, I dance, I am
My life is a song and beautiful dance
I sing, I dance, I am


try it... tweak it... make the affirmation work for you... repeat often, at least once a day, and see where it leads you....


I find a practice such as Reiki helps because if you simply focus on the Reiki energy, then you are pretty much "there".

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