Tuesday, May 27, 2008

God Needs a Little Help... from a dream...

Last week I dreamed I was flying amongst the trees. Flying dreams always exhilarate me. I zoomed around. I found some friends on the ground and showed them how to fly with me. We soared the blue skies amongst the clouds and landed in the high branches of a tree. My friends giggled with delight at their new found sport. Meanwhile I stopped, and became overcome with fear, gripping the branch with my back towards the ground. I looked over my shoulder at the long distance to the ground. I shook with fear. Next thing I knew, I heard God speaking to me, saying "even God needs a little help. I can't do it all."

I knew that it was up to me to let go of the branch and fly. To let go and trust. I had to make a choice. I had to be clear in my mind.

And so it is with life. Only we can decide how we are going to see the world and thereby choose our reality. Are we going to be optimists or pessimists? Are we going to frame our current condition in scarcity or abundance?

Months ago I heard of a family whose house burned in a fire. A week after, the Mother of the family wrote in an email how it was such a wonderful opportunity... the house that had burned hadn't really been suiting them, and their new home was going to be much more appropriate. She was helping God by consciously choosing how she was going to interpret her reality.

I look at my own life. I've been drifting a lot the last couple of years. Surrendering a lot. Making less and less choices, leaving it "up to God" or rather "my highest Spirit". And yet at the same time I have spent a lot of time in worry, or second guessing. If I am going to surrender, I need to remember to affirm that there is perfection in what I am being given. I could also be more deliberate, and more intentional, in taking a firm hand in co-creation. I could even balance the two extremes and do one way in one situation and a different in another. But I need to remember my choice. I need to frame my reality. It does no good to surrender to "God" then "blame" myself or "God" when things don't work out the way I expected.

So, remember that "God" needs help. If you are trusting in God's will, then remember to remind yourself that there is perfection, and be grateful for your experiences. If you are being more intentional, remember that you are an "arm of God" in your Will... trust in that perfection. As your worries, concerns, and "monkey mind" thoughts arise, remember what reality you are choosing... reframe those thoughts. Re-affirm your chosen reality.

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