Friday, October 26, 2007

Just 3 Minutes Per Day

I am continually amazed by the power of intention and prayer.

I remember several years ago trying to break some depression due to a failed relationship. I set the intention to be a channel of unconditional love and joy the next day... to be happy. The next morning I woke up having forgotten my prayer. I worked through the morning grogginess and suddenly found myself having a great day for no apparent reason. Then I remembered my prayers the night before.

A few weeks ago, I felt myself floundering and made a list of short term goals. Four were mundane about things to do in Rishikesh. One was to be a "meditative sadhu bliss shaman"... which carries a particular image I have of myself. I realized that of my five short term intentions, that was the one I had the most control over as the others related to things with other people. And furthermore, that if I achieved that one, nothing else would matter... everything would flow... or at least I would be blissful! The next day I found myself spontaneously triggered into a blissful and mystical state while I listened to a tedious ego based debate on enlightenment! Everyday since then I have found myself achieving a blissful mystical state at odd times as I go about my day. I remember to think about my intentions and pray a few moments a day, and oft times find myself forgetting the intentions... only to be grabbed by Spirit and put into the state as I roam about.

I've been trying to meditate more formally, yet find myself no expert. And often my attention span is short. And yet Spirit grabs me! The Universe supports my momentary prayers!

Just a few moments of remembering can trigger profound changes!

So I urge you to just take even a moment. Remember, prayer, ask for change or bliss or whatever you might like to BE!

I wish you enlightenment in the best sense of the word! May you be Blissful!

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