Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Unconditional Love: Short and Sweet

I was interviewed in Rishikesh a few days ago for a Ukrainian TV broadcast about Spirituality in India. One of the questions I was asked was to define Love ... which stumped me because I usually only think in terms of Unconditional Love... so I stumbled and said Love is a vibration. My mind clicked in about 6 hours later long after the fact and recalled that I've written and thought much about Unconditional Love and I came up with a new short and sweet definition:

Love: seeing the Divinity in something or someone.

Unconditional Love: acknowledging and/or believing in the Divinity in something or someone even when you can't see it.

Loving ourselves is about seeing and/or acknowledging our own Divinity.

Divinity is merely acknowledging that we are all a part of creation... you can insert God's or Goddess' creation if that is how you see the world. You can also insert other words such as beauty in place of Divinity.

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