Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My Gift: Free Reiki I Attunements from Now until 02Jan2008

To share my gratitude for Reiki and what it has done for me in my life, I offer this gift to anyone who wishes to receive it.

From now until 02Jan2008, anyone who wishes may study and receive a Reiki I attunement from me via distance. All you have to do is

(1) read and understand the Reiki I Manual, (2) receive the distance Reiki I attunement and feel the energy in your hands, (3) give yourself one full Reiki treatment, (5) give another person a full Reiki treatment (6) promise to giveyourself a Reiki treatment and work with Reiki energy every day for the next 21 days, (7) promise to use this wonderful gift on yourself and others to make life more enjoyable and fun, and (8) promise to drink plenty of water during the 21 day assimilation process and Reiki yourself and/or meditate to receive distance Reiki from DhamiBoo if any detox symtoms (emotional, physical, or spiritual) arrise.

You can read about Reiki at and find the Reiki I Manual at

You can find the same information posted below.

To receive the attunement (initiation) as per step 2 above, simply pick a time for yourself when you will be uninterrupted. Find a quiet play to sit or lay down to meditate with the intention of receiving the attunement. You will likely trance out a bit and feel energy in your body. Afterwards, your hands will start buzzing with Reiki energy. The attunement also works with your higher self and brings about great self-transformation in your life, bringing you into greater alignment with your higher spirit and path of highest good. There is no need to inform me about the time you choose to receive the attunement because the attunement goes through time and space and is already waiting for you to receive it.

If you want an electronic certificate, you can fill out the registration form (blog entry below) and email it to me. Because I am travelling, it may take me some time to email your certificate to you. If you do not require a certificate, just enjoy! If you do not wish to receive a certificate, there is no need to register.

If you find this gift helpful, you can leave a donation for DhamiBoo so you can enjoy the spirit of giving too.

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