Live from Bodhgaya, Bihar, India!On Sunday, 29 July, 2007, I will be offering a special distance blessing, an energywork session gifted to you via distance. The session will help you reconnect, and strengthen your connection with your Highest Spirit (Soul). The transmission of energy and light work will be from 8am to 10am in your local time zone (energy travels through both time and space). To participate, all you need to do is set the intention to receive, and remain in a meditative state for 2 hours. During this time you may be aware of energy moving within your body and aura. Blocks and clutter in your highest path will disappear. You will feel connected with your authentic self (aka Highest Spirit aka Soul).
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Thanks! and Blessings! Love DhamiBoo
Each of us has a unique and divine Highest Spirit (Soul) which has chosen to incarnate in our individual physical bodies to learn, grow, and play in the physical realm. Its like a great stage play where our spirit explore and play out different scenarios. I like to believe it’s about having fun in they ways we can have fun in the physical form. We choose to be people to do the things people can do. Maybe next time, we try being a tree, butterfly, or just a Spirit in the ethers.
Our Spirits choose all the details of our life: our family, our sex and gender, our shape and appearance, and all of our experiences. This is seeing the world from an “empowerment paradigm”, in which we are not victims on any level. The advantage of this paradigm is that it gives us the power to choose differently in the future. If we are victims, then we are stuck and hopeless. By seeing reality this way, we can harvest our challenges and transcend them.
We cannot help but be connected to our Soul and Highest Spirit (I use these terms interchangeably). And because we are are always forgiven, we are never off our path. And yet there are ways we can feel and BE more connected, and there are paths we can take that are more joyful and true to ourselves. Apparent disconnections occur because of attachment, lack of presence, thoughts and actions that do not honor our heart, conflicting intentions, and ego based fears. These disconnections affect how we perceive our choices in life and the extent to which we feel good about ourselves and our life choices.
Some of our choices feel more conscious than others. This occurs for several reasons. One is that sometimes our Highest Spirit knows better than our small self. One is that sometimes we lack awareness of our Spirit because our minds are too busy and not fully present. And lastly, because we have too many intentions, thoughts, and counter intentions.
In Quantum Theory, consciousness affects reality. We all know the differences in experiences between an optimist and a pessimist walking down the same street. The complication to this example is that we each have multiple thoughts, beliefs, and intentions overlapping.
For example, perhaps I want more money, think that there is such a thing as too much money, believe I waste money, think that there is a scarcity of money such that if I have more, someone will have less, and think that it takes hard work to get money. The Universe, God, and Goddess will support all of those intentions, because the Universe is non judgmental and unconditionally loving in it’s support. What I will end up with is a bit of a mess. I will get money, waste it, feel guilty for having it, and never see easy ways to get money. Next throw in some other intentions, such as a home, boyfriend, and time to travel. You can see that it will be hard to be aware of what is happening.
These are the challenges of a quantum reality. Life becomes complicated because we are not clear in our intentions, and we have so many intentions and beliefs. There is really never any separation between us and our Spirit, but there is separation in our awareness. And we make choices that are not true to our individual spirits… our authentic self. We see someone else having fun and we try to do what they do. We should never try to be anyone other than ourselves or please anyone other than ourselves, because other people are better at being who they are than we can ever be, and they are responsible for their own happiness. Happiness comes from within, not without. It is attitude, not circumstance. I have seen workers making gravel from stones with a hammer in the outdoors in India. Some are happy. Some are miserable. And I have seen office workers living a life of relative luxury. Some are happy and some are miserable.
I am not saying we should not help others or do things that might make others happy, but rather that the best way to do this is authentically from our own heart. In the words of a yogi I met at Winter Solstice: the best we can do is to serve others, and the best way to serve others is by being our self. Joy is contagious.
And so though Spirit is always there, we sometimes create separations. We do things because we should rather than out of our heart. We do things we do not really feel good and authentic about. Spirit does not care or judge. But we care and judge. Spirit knows that life and soul and spirit are eternal. The physical form and reality always changes. Spirit does not care, nor worry about injury, death, decay. Change and death are the only constants in this world.
I remember one of my friends worrying about erosion on her farm. Her husband said, “You cannot stop erosion!” The Earth is going to change. The sharp mountains will erode into gentle hills. The Earth does not care… that is her way… to change, to age, to mellow. But we care. We are attached to our hillside and creekbed and clear water.
More importantly, we care because we know the congruity of our thoughts and actions and the incongruity. We know when we cling to a relationship or marriage that is no longer in good heart. We know when we cheat somebody because of fear or scarcity. And we choose to not forgive ourselves or others by clinging to some past event. Spirit forgives unconditionally. Spirit is ready to let the rapist try a different choice, to find love or pleasure out of mutual consent. Spirit is ready to let us recreate our marriage in a way that brings us pleasure. It is our small selves, our fearful egos that cling to holding onto past judgments.
It is all internal. If I believe sex is good, and I have lots of sex, then all is good. If I believe sex is shameful and have lots of sex, then I create disharmony in my self. One of my lovers said once that we could never be boyfriends because we have too much sex. I thought, “we can never be boyfriends because you think there is such a thing as too much sex!” To digress a little, it is all about attitude and being Present and in your Heart. It may be perfect and divine to have sex several times a day for weeks, months, even years. But one day it may be time to do something else. And the key is to listen and be present and change your habits at that time.
The more connected, aware, and integrated in our thoughts and beliefs and actions we are, the more peace we have. And we will more clearly see manifestation in our lives. This is the gift of spiritual practices, religions, meditations, yogas, and martial arts… the training of the mind. Karate masters spend years training the mind to believe and see only the reality that their hand chops a piece of wood in half. (Of course many religions and movements have ulterior motives such as their own power or continued existence.)
Throughout life we forget our path, we dishonor ourselves, we get confused. This creates disharmony in our minds and emotions, and can create disease and illness. Illness and disease are merely our physical forms way of showing us that something is out of balance in our life. When we are totally relaxed and in a place of unconditional love and joy, there can be no pain, no tension, no disease.
Life goes on and we become attached to our disharmonies. We don’t like our work, but we are attached to our coworkers, or paycheck. We fear change. We live in scarcity and think there is not another joy, home, way of being for ourselves. We forget that the world is unlimited in abundant potential.
Sometimes we just get confused. We have liked rock climbing, then we prayed for fluidity in life and suddenly feel drawn to surfing. We resist change and newness. Or maybe we prayed for a lover, and little do we know our lover is waiting by the movie house instead of the rock crag.
Our spirit knows. Our intuition is there to guide us. But we must be Present and attentive to Listen and Follow our Spirit. Ideally we are always aware and connected to our Highest Spirit and also to this physical reality: we are One in all Dimensions simultaneously.
And so you can see that it is helpful to reconnect your awareness to your Highest Spirit. To regain that awareness and feel that connection, you can do many things… mainly just being Present and doing what makes your heart sing… but yoga, Reiki, various healing modalities, spiritual and religious ceremonies, etc. are useful tools.
Not to be confusing, but even saying that you are ever in a state of disconnectedness from your Soul or Highest Spirit is a bit false. You and Spirit are always there. It is really your sense and awareness of connection we are talking about. You can never do anything wrong because you are always forgiven. But you can do things that feel better or worse. The purpose of this session is to help you feel Your Connection and Be Authentic to your True Highest Self.
I am offering this special Distance Blessing so that you may feel connected with your Highest Spirit and feel connected to Your Path. The stronger you are in your connection and the more your thoughts, choices, and actions are in alignment with your Authentic Self, the easier your life will feel, the more healing you will experience. Blocks, confusions, experiences of dis-ease in your life will disappear. Your Spirit knows.
I will be offering follow up sessions to help you maintain and remember your connection. Following sessions will also focus on specific aspects of your Life and Awareness.
What will happen during the session?I will send Reiki and healing energies based in Unconditional Love, Joy, Abundance, and Empowerment to reconnect you strongly to your Highest Spirit, with complete awareness, understanding about who and what you are in this life. You will feel a heat start to flow in you navel in your tanden (below the navel near the generative organs) that spreads throughout your body and into your aura as blocks and clutter and “negative” energies in your energy grid and life pattern are removed. You will feel your awareness strongly in your body alternating with an awareness of being further and further out of your body until you feel awareness of your Highest Spirit, and then the Source (God, Goddess, consciousness of the Spirit beyond all which creates all, which “moves moves”). You may also feel other energetic and physical changes in your body as the realignment occurs. You may have visions of things your are releasing, or of things you need to do in your life. You will feel great relaxation, joy, and love.
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